For the past God knows how long, we wake up every day to find some form of violence has been perpetrated in one African country or the other. Terrorists' attacks, Protester killings, Security officials killings and Xenophobic attacks, just to mention a few, have been the major headaches of many African countries.
Today, we wake up again to hear a sad news from the Central African Republic where at least forty (40) people have been killed after a Seize-Fire has been signed between government and protesters. This raises just one question in the Ghanaian mind, "When will Africa grow, and stop killing its own people?"
Africa remains the most blessed continent in the world with all the mineral deposits, forest reserves, water bodies and a very strong people (both physically and mentally), yet the continent remain the least developed and has the most deprived countries in the world.
So what went wrong? Does Europe and the other powerful continents have more powerful minds than Africa? NO! As a matter of fact, they had to take Africans to their countries as slaves to build their countries for them. So definitely, the natural African can build Africa and make Africa a formidable force to recon against. The problem however lies with the kind of things Africans have allowed to take hold of them; greed, selfishness, wickedness, disregard for human life, refusal to anticipate, lack of co-existence among several others. Africans have made Africa what she is today so we have no one else to blame but ourselves. When government officials try to do their job, we bribe them to carry out our request and when they refuse to accept our bribes, we ask them if the job belongs to their fathers. Then when the same systems we have created begins to punish us, we sit back and say government institutions are not functioning; we say government officials are corrupt.
So I have this question for us all; for our children and their children and the generations after them, "IS AFRICA SAFE?"
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